“The Zone of Interest”
A Bicycle Bridging Hell and Heaven
“The Zone of Interest”
A Bicycle Bridging Hell and Heaven
The Zone of Interest” (2024), a film centered on Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp (hereafter referred to as Auschwitz), presents a series of scenes that are strikingly beautiful and luminous. As is widely known, Auschwitz, operated under the Nazi regime, remains infamous as “one of humanity’s greatest atrocities” and “the site of the worst crime in human history.” The facility was constructed in the outskirts of Oświęcim, in what is now southern Poland, during the German occupation. Under the command of Rudolf Höss, countless Jews were systematically murdered between 1940 and 1945. The sheer scale of the atrocities has made it impossible to determine an exa […]