Tour de Natural Wine
#03 No Control “Babinou 2022”
Seeking wine with no control
#03 No Control “Babinou 2022”
Seeking wine with no control
This time, we’ll introduce the episode of Vincent MARIE, who transitioned from being a natural wine geek to a vigneron (producer). The word “geek” often carries a negative connotation, doesn’t it?With a tough, imposing figure,Impressive tattoos on his arms, and a taste in music ranging from punk rock to fusion metal…Vincent MARIE is a geeky guy in a way that defies the typical image associated with the term. The name of his winery is “No Control.” Vincent, making wine in the Auvergne region of France (think of it as being known for Volvic water), is known for placing “No Control” stickers on his bottles. Whenever you ask about various fam […]
#Natural Wine