Editor M’s first-time participation, what to do? #6
“Inexperienced rider at the Honolulu Century Ride 2023”

>Previous Entries

I don’t know what constitutes “enough,” but it’s clear that my training is far from sufficient as I depart Tokyo. I’ve at least got my helmet and jersey…

I’ve arrived in Honolulu. My first time in Hawaii 🌈 Even the Starbucks at the airport feels liberating 🌞 As I head towards Waikiki on the highway, I catch a glimpse of Diamond Head. Is this Hawaii… ✨ Despite battling deadlines of work during the drive, I gradually begin to feel the paradise vibes. Lush, vibrant plant life everywhere, it’s dazzling.

The banyan tree (baobab) guarding Waikiki Beach.

There are three days left until the event on 9/24. I have work (the reason for my trip to the United States) during that time, but my mental state seems to be in good shape.

With some peace of mind, I asked the staff accompanying me to show me shopping spots and more. I’m more interested in groceries than luxury brands, so we went to a supermarket. We stopped by “Wikiki Marker,” which is newly opened near the hotel. When you think of Hawaiian souvenirs, Hawaiian Host chocolates with their distinctive packaging come to mind, but the regulars here told me about coconut-flavored popcorn and honey. For breakfast, I got a kale salad and pineapple from the deli. I’m savoring the deliciousness of vegetables and fruits.

The natural magenta of the dragon fruit is dazzling.
Authentic spam musubi.

I suddenly remembered a conversation with a friend before departure.

“You know, I’m not confident about riding 80 kilometers. I might end up just eating spam musubi at the rest stops, and it’ll turn into a gourmet trip, haha.”

“Don’t want to see that, Mayumi.”


I eagerly returned to my room and started my workout routine, focusing on hamstring exercises. I’ve been doing various types of training, including the Wall Pilates that’s been appearing in Instagram ads a lot lately, for about three weeks. I only do these exercises in the morning and evening, but I feel like my lower back mobility has improved (although it might be a placebo effect). While I have a decent level of basic fitness, I’m not confident in continuously using the same muscle groups for an extended period. The dedication of athletes is truly admirable.

As I continued with my exercises, I realized there were only two days left until the event. I wonder how it will turn out…

This is Hawaii! Under the clear and crisp blue sky.

To be continued…

Text_ Mayumi Kamura

🚴‍♂️Editor M’s first-time participation, what to do? series🚴‍♂️

#01 Road to Nowhere
#02 Under Pressure
#03 One Fine Day
#04 No women , No cry
#05 Here Comes the Sun
#06 Kaimana Hila
#08 Bonus episode : An Accident as Expected


Mayumi Kamura
I’m a Global Ride editor. My expertise lies in visual expressions like design, art, fashion, and more. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted me to focus on my physical and mental health. I started playing tennis and resumed taking contemporary dance lessons. Considering that bicycle-related accessories often boast high design quality, I have a feeling I might become a fan during this experience.

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