The entry for this year’s Honolulu Century Ride has begun.
The exhilaration of cycling in Hawaii is…
Such a special experience that even after nine months, it hasn’t faded.
After participating just once, I can understand how regular riders feel.
This sense of freedom and accomplishment is addictive!
What kind of scenery will we see this year? 🌈
Let’s look back at last year’s event through photos.

Table of Contents

1. September 24th, 2023 At the Entry Venue
2. September 25th, 2023 On the Day of the Event

1. September 24th, 2023 At the Entry Venue

Pick up your rental bike here
The main sponsor from Japan is JAPAN AIRLINES
2023 marked the 40th anniversary of the event.
A group of riders purchased matching limited edition T-shirts. It really boosts their spirits!

2. September 25th, 2023 On the Day of the Event

Starts early in the morning at 6:20 a.m.
From just after 5 a.m., before sunrise, riders steadily gather at the starting point.
The front row consists of VIP entry participants.
The first photo point is Diamond Head. Enjoy the fun ride!
As the sun finally begins to rise, we approach Kalanianaole Highway.
I didn’t realize riding early in the morning could feel this good!
To the first aid station among the four, Sandy Beach Park.
At the 40km mark. Still going strong!
Proof sticker of completing 40 km = 25 miles
Encountered a nice group.
We’re descending Kalanianaole Highway steadily.
The course heads towards the famous area known for filming “Jurassic Park.”
What a beautiful Hawaiian day!!
At the mechanic repair booth. Riders also help each other out.
Enjoying a comfortable ride with low humidity while admiring the wild nature is unique to Hawaii.
Mr. Kurihara repaired Editor M’s puncture. He was participating as a mechanic accompanying Tobu Top Tours. I met many wonderful people during the ride. That’s what makes fan rides special!
Heading towards the 100-mile turnaround point on Kamehameha Highway. It’s a flat and easy road to ride on.
Finally! The fourth aid station at Swanzy Beach Park. Riders on the 80km = 50 mile course complete their ride here. Here’s hoping I clear it within the time limit!
The volunteers are also cheerful.
The moment of completing 100 miles!
Completing the ride as a group feels great!
With special people who came to cheer him on
Completed the 100-mile ride, it was a great ride!
A regular couple from HCR. They also finished the 100-mile ride together happily.
The large rainbow evokes the feeling of being in paradise. I encountered it several times during my stay and couldn’t help but take a photo each time.

What kind of ride awaits us this year?
Let’s meet at the Honolulu Century Ride 2024! 🌈

🚲 For those applying to the Honolulu Century Ride 2024, click here.

Text_Editorial Team


Sunday, September 29, 6:22 AM. The temperature is around 23°C, with a wind speed of 7 km/h.The Honolulu Century Ride has kicked off at sunrise again this year.A scenic course that lets you fully experience Hawaii’s ocean and mountains, along with the great weather, all supported by cheerful and friendly volunteers and staff, making it a truly joyful event. Around midday, just before the 160-mile turnaround point, a sudden downpour dampened spirits on the Kamehameha Highway, leaving the atmosphere a bit gloomy… However, some riders said that the Makapuu Point on the return route was stunningly beautiful after the rain had cleared.  We bring you a vibrant photo album capturing […]

#Hawaii #HCR
Editor M’s first-time participation, what to do? #2
“Inexperienced rider at the Honolulu Century Ride 2023”

I also consulted with Mr. Ito, the initiator of TURE DE TSUMARI, who had just completed the event recently. When I mentioned that I needed advice, he said that he would first like to hear about my current situation. A true architect, I couldn’t help but admire his attention to detail. He also looked up the elevation differences for the HCR in advance and suggested that I should ride for the expected duration to get a sense of my stamina and riding style. It does make sense…!

#How to #Japan